his is adapted from Middle East sources. My comments follow. 

While Israel is pounding Gaza, one Muslim terror organization isn’t rushing to threaten Israel. This comes from the organization known as ISIS, but which now calls itself the Islamic State under the leadership of the self proclaimed Khalifah Abu Bakar Baghdadi.

Khalifah Abu Bakar Baghdadi : We will not attack Israel

In response to questions that appeared on several Internet sites as to why the Islamic State wasn’t fighting Israel instead of killing Muslims in Iraq and Syria, the organization responded on its Twitter account: 
We have not given orders to kill the Israelis and the Jews. The war against the nearer enemy, those who rebel against the faith, is more important. Allah commands us in the Koran to fight the hypocrites, because they are much more dangerous than those who are fundamentally heretics.” 
As proof, the organization cited the first caliph, Abu Bakr, who began by fighting those who rebelled against the faith, as well as Saladin, who fought the Shi’ites in Egypt before conquering Jerusalem.

The Khalifah's target contains a long list of Arab leaders – the Saudi and Jordanian kings, the prime minister of Iraq, the president of Egypt and the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood – before it gets to the Jews and Israel.

Meanwhile, the organization is forging alliances with tribal leaders in Syria and Iraq, in order to increase its power. In Syria, for instance, it has offered tribal leaders in Deir al-Zour a share of the income generated by the oil fields it conquered in that region. 
In Iraq, a well-attended ceremony recently took place at which dozens of tribal leaders swore loyalty oaths to the head of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. In exchange, they will enjoy his “protection” as well as a slice of the profits – which, in this case, aren’t small. 
According to Iraqi media reports, the organization’s takeover of banks in Mosul netted it more than $1.5 billion.

To strengthen its ties with the Iraqi tribes, Baghdadi married Suja Hamid al-Dulaimi, a member of one of the strongest tribes in western Iraq. 
Nevertheless, it seems that even marrying into the Dulaimi tribe won’t guarantee the Islamic State security and quiet. Last week, violent clashes erupted between the organization’s members and Sunni tribesmen in Iraq’s Diyala province, with 10 of the former killed.

True, there is great fear of the armed men with the thick beards and black flags. Many young people in Mosul and other Iraqi cities are rushing to centers that return people to religion, to obtain certificates that they have done so, to avoid being hurt. 
In exchange, they receive a signed certificate saying they have repented and returned to religion. Some are even recruited into the ranks of the organization’s fighters, which earns them a salary of $2,000-$3,000 a month, depending on their job.

There are many horror stories about acts committed by Islamic State members in Mosul and other cities – such as the flogging of young men who watched the World Cup, the execution of hundreds of Shi’ite civilians, attacks on people walking down the street for no apparent reason, and the looting of houses, especially those belonging to Christians.

My comments : The Khalifah has over USD1.5 Billion, he has married a new wife and he does not wish to attack Israel.  The guy is much cleverer than I thought.

Tuan-tuan do listen carefully. This is what I keep saying. This has nothing to do with us.  Jangan pula kita nak masuk campur hal depa.  Some people here are ready to join the ISIL and "berjihad" for entah apa.

Looking at many of your comments a lot of people are confused about what happened in recent history between the British, the Jews, the Arabs and other people. We cannot deny that.

But what is happening now has deviated plenty from that recent history. The British did not create the sunnis and the shiahs.  The Khalifah guy says the Arab-Israeli problem is not top priority for him. His top priority is the sunni-shiah matter. That goes back longer, about a 1000 years.

He says he wants to fight the shiahs like Saladin did 800 years ago. Well after 800 years and despite Saladin the shiahs are still around. They now control three countries Iran, Iraq and Syria and possibly about 25% of the world's oil production.

So this means this Khalifah guy's fight is not going to be over tomorrow. Or even in another 800 years. I think he knows this too. I am sure the Jews are relieved to hear that. He is not going to attack Israel until then.

I am not saying that anyone should go and attack Israel. Or Syria, Iraq or Gaza. What I am saying is that their politics and their struggles are not all the same.  One thing is for certain - their politics of violence and war has not changed.  The Arabs have been consistent about that.

My concern is that do not let other peoples politics and other peoples fights divide you and your family or friends here in Malaysia. Kita tak ada kena mengena dengan pergaduhan dan peperangan mereka ini.

We have our own issues to take care of. We do not need to import alien and often quite insane politics to disrupt our peaceful way of life.


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