Ways to destroy a nation;
1. Cut their strength in half (by encouraging) their womenfolk to stay at home, limit their education, ask them to wear clothing which will limit their movements.
- Psychologically they will feel inferior to the men.
- Make them believe that they are the main reason their men sin
- and that there are more women in hell then men
- Send the men to fight crusades
- when they die, their ignorant women (single mothers, uneducated and poorer)
- will raise their daughters and sons
- and the cycle (of poverty and ignorance) will continue.
- Encourage their men to marry more wives
- so the rate of uneducated children will grow exponentially
- Tell the men that God will take care of their family
- this will remove any sense of responsibility from them
2. Limit their education.
- Encourage them to learn a language in which knowledge is limited (Arabic).
- Make it a heavenly language, only spoken in heaven
- Encourage false edicts, which will limit their full god given potential.
- This will prevent them from learning knowledge
- from other nations with different languages
3. Limit their potential
- by telling them that what they have on earth, has already been fated for them
- and that to change it, is a sin, because they are challenging God
- this will make them lazy.
- Tell them instead of finding solutions, they should pray for a solution
- and keep on praying until they receive a solution.
- Hopefully by then it will be to late.
4. Limit their influence
- make them feel special and different from others
- They will look down on others and they will not mix around.
- History has shown, the greatest way of spreading an influence is
- by mixing with other nations.
- Make their life difficult with strange edicts and laws
- this will also make other foreign nations not want to be like them.
5. Every nation has a respected religious person with a uniform
- ensure our agents will have the perfect religious uniform
- so that they will get respect
- this will allow them to carry out steps 1 to 4 easily.
6. Create disunity
- this is easy, our various agents will preach different religious theories
- so that different groups will emerge
- and hopefully will fight each other
- Leaving step 1 to go smoothly.
7. Make them believe that there is no point working hard in this "life" and that
- the afterlife is much more better.
- Some one praying 24 hours (in mosques, monastaries, temples etc..)
- is so much better than
- some one working creating new technology, knowledge, helping others etc.
8.Make them believe that God thinks and acts like normal human beings.
- (The christians already believe he made humans in his image)
- That God can be angry, jealous, vengeful etc.
- This will make them do things which any sane men or women will not do
- Sacrifice a child for God, as an example.
- If God is all knowing, why does he test humans, shouldnt he know what is going to happen?
9. Lastly make them believe the end is near
- people will stop working, living, and creating
- if they think the world is going to end soon.
- Above are some of the methods to destroy a nation.
- If done correctly, in one generation, a lot of potential can be destroyed.
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