Alam Tarokai

Surah 35:27-28 "Do you not see (Alam tara) that GOD sends down from the sky water, whereby we produce fruits of various colors? Even the mountains have different colors; the peaks are white, or red, or some other color. And the ravens are black. Also, the people, the animals, and the livestock come in various colors. This is why the people who truly reverence GOD are those who are knowledgeable (ulama). GOD is Almighty, Forgiving."

Bunyinya: Apakah engkau tidak melihat bahwa Allah menurunkan hujan dari awan, lalu dengannya kali keluarkan buah2an yang beraneka ragam warnanya. Dan di gunung2 terdapat garis2, putih dan merah, bermacam2 warnanya sedang yang lain hitam pekat. Dan begitu juga di antara manusia, binatang dan ternak, ada yang berbeda2 warnanya. Hanya orang-orang yang berilmulah (al-ulama) dari kalangan hamba2Nya yang takut kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah itu Yang Perkasa dan Pengampun.

The people who see or observe :

i. the cycle of rain are meteorologists
ii. those who study plants, fruits, flowers are agronomists, plant biologists and horticulturalists
iii. those who study the colours and types of rocks on mountains are geologists
iv. the people who study the birds are ornithologists
v. those who study humans are anthropologists, medical doctors, biologists, scientists
vi. those who study livestock and animals are veterinarians and animal biologists.


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