Melayu Tiada Tempat Mengadu

dari rocky

Satu perkara mengenai orang Melayu di sini, mereka tiada tempat lain untuk mengadu masalah mereka, termasuk 500 tahun dijajah. Mereka tidak berjumpa Queen seperti orang lain buat. Mereka tidak pergi ke Arab dan meminta tolong atas asas kesamaan agama dan tamadun. Mereka juga tidak mengadu kepada jiran terdekat yang mempunyai 260 juta penduduk Melayu, Jawa, Minang, Bugis yang kesemuanya Islam.

hat's one thing about Malays in this country, they don't have anywhere to go to peddle their sad stories, the 500 years that we were colonized, the centuries that they impoverished and enslaved us. We don't go the Queen like some people do. We don't go to the Arab countries and claim to have religious and civilization bonding therefore they must help us fight the non-Malays in this country. Heck, we don't even report these things to our Big Brother next door with 200-plus million Malay/Jawa/Bugis/Minang-Muslim population!


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